walks in quietly-- its been awhile - HELLO THERE
Disclaimer: This may not be a typical post - it will be personal , because my writing style and encouragement is drawn from life experiences. Most of how we show up in work spaces are impacted by how the world shows up for US in our private life. & whether we like it or not - sometimes there is spill over.
Our last blog post was in 2022 - two years have passed. Life has "lifed" in the most beautiful, rewarding, but also challenging WAY. So many changes in the past two years - and if you are taking the time to read this -- you successfully navigated through 100% of everything. Your track record is pretty impressive!
As I'm writing this on the first day of February -- I, like many of you have felt the heaviness of January 2025. 31 days literally felt like 6 months..but again we made it through. I'm all for holding space to "feel" but not staying "stuck" there.
My theme for 2025 is BOLD, which signifies being fearless and confident. Even BOLD enough to recognize what no longer serves you in the moment. In recent years, it has become clear that loyalty in the workplace should first and foremost be to yourself.
All of this isn’t a new realization—it comes from personal experience. Early in my career, I was laid off just four months after relocating to a new city and state. It turned out to be one of the most valuable lessons I ever learned and a key reason I started this business. There’s an art to doing your best and delivering quality work without BURNING OUT.
We have to remember that at the end of the day -- bottom lines aren't personal, they are strategic , so how do we become strategic in our daily lives to not face BURN OUT.
Here are some REMINDERS that I strive to remember.
No, I am currently unable to meet this need. However, I will follow up when I am able to.
I haven't received the necessary clarity to begin this task. Please clarify the expectations.
Prioritize your time. If your workday begins at 8 AM, consider waking up earlier to do something for yourself (such as exercising, meditation, prayer, moment of silence, dancing, or whatever suits you)
Schedule your medical appointments—don't delay your health for your job; work will still be there when you return.
Allocate "Focus Time" on your calendars. Use it to take a walk, stretch , catch-up on your day in between your meetings
🔹 “Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup. Prioritize yourself, and the rest will follow.”
You are felt friend! & please know I feel blessed to be in the mist of your vibe 🫶🏾